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GNET Research Digest – March 2021

GNET Research Digest – March 2021
12th April 2021 GNET Team
In Research Digest

Welcome to the March edition of the Global Network on Extremism and Technology (GNET) research digest.

Your digest contains a selection of relevant news, research, academic journal articles, and GNET Insights relating to terrorist use of technology.

GNET Report

Newton, Jordan et al. (2 March 2021). “Polarising Narratives and Deepening Fault Lines: Social Media, Intolerance and Extremism in Four Asian Nations.”

Academic Papers

Scrivens, Ryan (8 March 2021). “Comparing the Online Posting Behaviors of Violent and Non-Violent Right-Wing Extremists.” Terrorism and Political Violence.

Nouri, Lella et al. (4 March 2021). “Impacts of Radical Right Groups’ Movements Across Social Media Platforms- A Case Study of Changes to Britain First’s Visual Strategy in its Removal From Facebook to Gab.” Studies in Conflict & Terrorism.

Conway, Maura (24 March 2021). “Online Extremism and Terrorism Research Ethics: Researcher Safety, Informed Consent, and the Need for Tailored Guidelines.” Terrorism and Political Violence.

Henschke, Adam and Reed, Alastair (8 March 2021). “Toward an Ethical Framework for Countering Extremist Propaganda Online.” Studies in Conflict and Terrorism.

Gatt, Kurstin (1 March 2021). “Poetry as a Communicative Vehicle in the Jihadi Milieu: The Case for Modern Extremist Poetry.” British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies.

News Articles

Greenberg, Andy (28 February 2021). “Far-Right Platform Gab Has Been Hacked- Including Private Data.” Wired.

Rahman, Anjum (14 March 2021). “Livestreaming Bill Introduced After Christchurch Attacks Could Criminalise Innocent People.” The Guardian.

Stone, Peter (10 March 2021). “US Far-Right Extremists Making Millions via Social Media and Cryptocurrency.” The Guardian.

Pasterneck, Alex (11 March 2021). “One Secret Weapon Against Extremism: Google Ads Promoting Mindfulness.” Fast Company.

Wilson, Jason (12 March 2021). “Far-Right Supporters Move to Open Source to Evade Censorship.” The Guardian.

Baumgartner, Maik et al. (10 March 2021). “The Dark World of Extremist Misogyny.” Spiegel.

Hsu, Spencer and Davis, Aaron (9 March 2021). “Oath Keepers Founder Stewart Rhodes was in Direct Contact With Rioters Before and During Capitol Breach, U.S. Alleges.” The Washington Post.

Koch, Ariel (10 March 2021). “Arrest of Neo-Nazi Rapper Highlights Threat of White Supremacist Music.” Rantt Media.

Burgess, Matt (1 March 2021). “What Life Is Like Under Myanmar’s Internet Shutdown.” Wired.

Paynter, Jack (8 March 2021). “How Extreme Right-Wing Groups Have ‘Weaponised the Internet’ in Australia.”

Dickson, EJ (9 March 2021). “Instagram is Pushing Anti-Vaccine Misinformation and QAnon Content, Study Finds.” Rolling Stone.

Morrison, Aaron (17 March 2021). “White Supremacist Propaganda Surged in 2020, Report Says.” AP News.

Dearden, Lizzie (19 March 2021). “Tommy Robinson and the Making of a Far-Right ‘Propaganda’ Video.” The Independent.

Grierson, Jamie (22 March 2021). “Neo-Nazi Groups Use Instagram to Recruit Young People, Warns Hope Not Hate.” The Guardian.


Tobi, Youssef (26 March 2021). “Radicalisation and Recruitment Online in Times of COVID-19: The Pandemic as a Propaganda Opportunity.”

Krona, Michael (25 March 2021). “Hyper-Reality, Identity and Mediatisation- A Sociological Reflection on the Pro-Islamic State Online Community.”

Kfir, Isaac (24 March 2021). “Venture Capitalism, Extremism and Accountability.”

Comerford, Milo et al. (24 March 2021). “Two Years On: Understanding the Resonance of the Christchurch Attack on Imageboard Sites.”

Khoo, Flora and Brown, William (23 March 2021). “No Child’s Play: IS Propaganda Videos and the Recruitment of Children.”

Bunker, Robert (23 March 2021). “Mexican Cartel Use of Social Media.”

Falk, Rachael (22 March 2021). “Cyber-Enabled Extremism in Australia.”

DeCook, Julia (19 March 2021). “The Issue Isn’t Incels. It’s Racist Misogyny.”

Criezis, Meili (18 March 2021). “Rhetoric of Hate: A Case Study in Anti-East Asian Bigotry.”

Argentino, Marc-André (17 March 2021). “Pastel QAnon.”

Descamps, Brune (15 March 2021). “Leaving the World of ‘Impiety’: French Salafi Settlers in Mauritania.”

Argentino, Marc-André and Crawford, Blyth (12 March 2021). “The WQmen of QAnon.”

Reed, Alastair et al. (11 March 2021). “The Ethics of Regulating Online Extremism: Five Elements for Content Moderation Frameworks.”

Scrivens, Ryan et al. (10 March 2021). “Comparing the Online Posting Behaviours of Violent and Non-Violent Right-Wing Extremists.”

Bukhari, Iqraa (8 March 2021). “Dars and Madrassas: Remnants of a Lost Pedagogy that has Advanced onto the Cyber Realm.”

Amarasingam, Amarnath and Rizwie, Rukshana (5 March 2021). “Turning the Tap Off: The Impacts of Social Media Shutdown After Sri Lanka’s Easter Attacks.”

Margolin, Devorah and Daymon, Chelsea (3 March 2021). “Selfie and Siege: Women’s Social Media Footprint and the US Capitol Hill Siege.”

Robinson, Nick and Whittaker, Joe (1 March 2021). “Playing for Hate?”