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Author archive for Dr. Michael Loadenthal

  • Feb152021

    Infrastructure, Sabotage, and Accelerationism

    In my previous GNET Insight, I focused on the ideological collision between anti-5G, the coronavirus, and the far-right. The present…

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  • Jan192021

    Anti-5G, Infrastructure Sabotage, and COVID-19

    On 25 December 2020, as most Christians were celebrating with their families, a 63-year-old, white male, and longtime resident of…

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  • Sep102020

    Digital Resiliency and OPSEC Strategies Amongst Clandestine Networks

    In June 2020, I detailed some of the operational and digital security (OPSEC) practices of English-language far-right networks as they…

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  • Jun042020

    Evolving Digital OPSEC Practices Amongst Far-Right Networks

    Over the past several years, there has been increasing attention paid to the use and exploitation of digital platforms by…

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