From the creation of Stormfront in 1996 to the adoption of the messaging application Telegram, extreme-right actors, most notably white supremacists, have increasingly exploited opportunities afforded by technology to further their ideological agendas. Recent developments have revealed white supremacist’s early adoption of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI), like ChatGPT, for propaganda production and disinformation campaigns. However, current understanding, while growing, remains limited, with little knowledge of the scale or popularity of specific tactics. Subsequently, this Insight aims to address these gaps, investigating how white supremacists exploit GAI as well as assessing which GAI tactics are the most popular among white supremacist communities.
Collection Method
Public, white supremacist, Telegram channels were selected through snowball sampling, with channels in scope if they met criteria promoting white supremacy. Initially, keyword searches of “white” and “Nazi” were used in the Telegram channel search. Preliminary searches of AI terms were then performed within each channel to confirm the existence of GAI-related posts. This process was repeated, resulting in 38 white supremacist channels which contain GAI posts.
Due to the impracticality of large manual data collections, the tool Telepathy from Prose Intelligence was used for automated scraping. Telepathy’s ‘Comprehensive Scan’ function archived all channel posts, which were saved as an Excel file. Channels were scrapped for posts from 1 January 2018 to 15 April 2024.
Filtering and Compilation
After scraping all 38 channels, Excel’s search functionality was used, filtering all posts containing AI-related words e.g.“ChatGPT”. Relevant posts were compiled into a dataset, resulting in 650 posts. To capture GAI media posts which didn’t include GAI-related words, posts containing only images, videos, or audio were manually reviewed and included if appropriate, leading to a final dataset of 850 posts.
The final dataset was then coded and refined to an overarching set of codes as outlined by Kurt Braddock with an inductive-deductive approach being used. Following Boyatzis, the classifying of the codes were defined as below:
- Thematic Overviews: High-level summaries of GAI engagement.
- Themes: Key focus areas within GAI engagement.
- Subthemes: Specific instances exemplifying these themes.

Figure 1: Thematic Overview Tree Map
The coding of 850 posts resulted in 1,077 instances of engagement with GAI as some posts were complex, containing multiple forms of engagement. Five broad ‘thematic overviews’ were evidenced (Fig. 1). While the ‘Tactical Use’ thematic overview related to ways in which white supremacists utilise GAI for tactical purposes, four thematic overviews – ‘Knowledge Sharing’, ‘GAI Pessimism’, ‘GAI Optimism’ and ‘GAI News’ – manifested as examples of ways in which white supremacists discuss GAI. With 447 instances, ‘Tactical Use’ emerged as the most dominant thematic overview in white supremacist engagement with GAI, accounting for 42% of total overall engagement.

Figure 2: Tactical Use Tree Map
The ‘Tactical Use’ thematic overview consisted of four broad themes related to the creation of GAI content:
- ‘Propaganda’ (producing content to promote pro-white supremacist narratives);
- ‘Disinformation’ (producing fake media for the purpose of deception);
- ‘Violence Advice’ (production of material to assist for attack planning and weapons manufacturing) and;
- ‘Neutral Experimentation’ (production of GAI content which served no specific purpose).
Some of these key themes and their sub-themes will be discussed below.
GAI Propaganda
Propaganda production emerged in many themes, from straightforward ‘GAI-Image Propaganda’ to more complex propaganda creation exemplified by ‘Propaganda: Manipulation/Exploitation’ (which will be discussed later on). Overall, forms of propaganda creation dominated ‘Tactical Use’, with 347 instances accounting for 78% of the thematic overview.
Propaganda: GAI-Images
‘Propaganda: GAI-Images’ emerged as the most popular tactic, instanced 222 times, accounting for 50% of all ‘Tactical Use’. Figure 3 illustrates the two major sub-themes which established this theme.

Figure 3: Propaganda: GAI-Images
The most common sub-theme emerged as ‘GAI-Hate Memes’, where GAI was used to combine racist and antisemitic imagery with memetic satire. Examples of this included GAI versions of white supremacist memes, such as ‘The Happy Merchant’ (Fig.4) and ‘Pepe the Frog’ (Fig. 5).

Figure 4&5: Examples of GAI-Hate Memes
The second most common sub-theme was ‘GAI Propaganda Images: In-Group’. These images glorified symbols and figures influential in the white supremacist movement, with the majority idolising Nazi SS soldiers (Fig.6 ) and mythical Aryan warriors (Fig. 7).

Figure 6&7: Examples of GAI Propaganda Images: In-Group
Propaganda: GAI-Audio/Video
A further theme emerged as ‘Propaganda: GAI-Audio/Video’, which involves creating propaganda through GAI video and audio tools such as SunoAI. With 44 instances this theme accounted for 10% of overall ‘Tactical Use’. Figure 8 showcases this theme’s key sub-themes.

Figure 8: Propaganda: GAI-Audio/Video
‘GAI Restoration/Translation’ emerged as the most common sub-theme, primarily consisting of using GAI to translate and restore Hitler’s speeches, such as 1939 Reichstag speech (Fig. 9), in which Hitler explains how a world war would enable the “annihilation of the Jewish race”.

Figure 9: Example of GAI Restoration/Translation
A less instanced sub-theme emerged as ‘GAI-Song Creation’, with posts showcasing use of GAI to create songs supporting white supremacist narratives and figures. A typical example (Fig. 10) shows a GAI clone of Hitler’s voice covering the popular western song by Martin Robbins “Big Iron”.

Figure 10: Example of GAI-Song Creation
Propaganda: Manipulation and Exploitation
A more complex form of propaganda creation was exemplified through mechanisms of what this Insight calls ‘tricking’ and ‘baiting’ (Figure 11). The mechanisms of ‘tricking’ and ‘baiting’ were evident when white supremacists manipulated (tricked or baited) GAI tools into producing results that were observed as supporting specific white supremacist narratives. With ‘baiting,’ this commonly included promoting conspiratorial narratives that GAI is liberally biased and anti-white while ‘tricking’ narratives centred around the tool providing answers which could be interpreted as supporting white supremacist ideals such as racial segregation. In total 68 instances of ‘Propaganda: Manipulation and Exploitation’ were evidenced, accounting for 15% of ‘Tactical Use’.
While already effective forms of propaganda, these posts also served a multi-functional purpose of ‘Knowledge Sharing’ (Fig. 1), as the specific prompts used to achieve the desired responses were included in the post shared on the Telegram channel, allowing others to replicate and experiment themselves.

Figure 11: Propaganda: Manipulation/Exploitation
A sub-theme in ‘Propaganda: Manipulation/Exploitation’ emerged as ‘GAI Image/Video: Baiting’. Here, white supremacists manipulated GAI-image generators’ by ‘baiting’ the tool into creating ethnically diverse images of populations commonly understood as white. These images were then used as proof of GAI’s anti-whiteness. ‘Baiting’ is evident in Figure 12, which shows how Bing-AI was prompted to create a “traditional Viking family”, instead producing a black Viking family. This interaction was then uploaded to a white supremacist Telegram channel, fuelling narratives concerning the Great Replacement Theory. As with ‘tricking’, a significant number of ‘baiting’ posts included ‘Knowledge Sharing’ by including the prompts used, enabling others to experiment and produce their own propaganda.

Figure 12: Examples of ‘Baiting’ Image generators Multifunctional Purpose
The use of GAI for disinformation purposes only saw 34 instances, accounting for just 8% of ‘Tactical Use’, manifesting through two sub-themes (Figure 13).

Figure 13: Disinformation Creation
GAI-Image Manipulation was the predominant way disinformation emerged, consisting of attempts to generate compromising life-like images, including Emma Watson as a Nazi (seen in April 2024) (Fig.14). Attempts differed greatly in quality, with images in 2024 illustrate the stark improvement in image manipulation for disinformation purposes among white supremacists since January 2023.

Figure 14: Examples of GAI-Image Manipulation
Violence Advice
While the least evidenced way that white supremacists utilised GAI, the existence of the technology being used for ‘Violence Advice’ (Figure 15) is concerning.

Figure 15: Violence Advice
The instance depicts a conversation with a chatbot on how to construct a bomb inspired by what Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber, used. The chatbot provides the user with the exact chemicals and quantities needed, proceeding to detail instructions on how to construct the explosive (Fig. 16.)

Figure 16: Examples of Violence Advice
Accounting for 78% of total ‘Tactical Use’, propaganda production represents the most popular way white supremacists exploit GAI for tactical purposes, primarily driven by ‘Propaganda: GAI-Images’. While the use of memes and visual propaganda imagery has been well cited, the overwhelming popularity of ‘Propaganda: GAI-Images’ is a symptom of the technology’s impact in revolutionising image propaganda production. GAI-Image tools have enabled white supremacists to produce more effective, appealing and tailored radicalising image content, much quicker and with less labour intensity.
While only representing 10% of ‘Tactical Use’, 2024 saw the emergence of ‘Propaganda GAI-Audio/Video’. Through ‘GAI-Restoration/Translation’ of Hitler speeches’ and ‘GAI-Song Creation’, these innovative forms of propaganda seek to deliver white supremacist narratives in more accessible and palatable forms to wider audiences. In the case of ‘GAI-Song Creation’, white supremacists are increasingly creating engaging, humorous and catchy songs while also promoting white supremacist beliefs. Recent analysis suggests the tactic has grown in popularity among white supremacists, with examples of ‘GAI-Song Creation’ being evidenced during the summer riots in the UK.
Representing 15% of all ‘Tactical Use’, a further finding is the use of complex and multifunctional propaganda, illustrated through ‘baiting’ and ‘tricking’. While previous studies have acknowledged white supremacists use of ‘tricking’ LLMs and image generators to produce propaganda, limited references are made to the tactics ‘Knowledge Sharing’ component. The prevalence of ‘Knowledge Sharing’ across all examples of ‘baiting’ and ‘tricking’ highlights white supremacist are increasingly sharing expertise and tips when utilising GAI for propaganda production.
Despite the potential and actual use of GAI for disinformation, evidence was limited to attempts which vary greatly in quality. Baele provides an explanation for this, suggesting that tools capable of generating realistic GAI-images to effectively deceive are rare. Most attempts still contain subtle yet significant discrepancies, as GAI-image generators struggle with complex details like human hands, enabling detection. Nevertheless, the existence of some high profile cases of GAI disinformation suggests that experimentation will likely continue and intensify.
Lastly, the presence of GAI for ‘Violence Advice’ is a significant finding which adds to an emerging body of evidence. Of concern is the existence of this example in an open Telegram channel, having the potential for thousands to see, share, and replicate. It is highly likely that more sinister examples ‘‘Violence Advice’ are occurring in private white supremacist Telegram channels.
Conclusion and Recommendations
Understanding of white supremacist exploitation of GAI for tactical purposes has grown considerably in the last year. However, quantitative insights concerning the comparative scale and popularity of specific GAI-tactics has been nascent in existing literature. This study, in attempting to address this gap, concludes that GAI propaganda production, specifically ‘Propaganda: GAI-Images’ , is overwhelmingly the most frequent way white supremacists are currently exploiting GAI for tactical purposes.
With these findings in mind, it is imperative for the tech sector and the current Labour administration to work together more closely and establish Labour’s promised planned legislation, which aims to stop extremist exploitation of AI. Additionally, with the prevalence of ‘Propaganda: GAI-Images’, it’s imperative that AI image generator companies such as Midjounrey and Stable Diffusion take further steps and increase investment to ensure that their technology is not used to create extremist propaganda. Additionally, companies that provide open-source GAI image tools should establish robust auditing mechanisms to ensure that their models are not being trained to create extremist propaganda images. Furthermore, as shown by ‘Propaganda: GAI-Video/ Audio’, emerging companies like SunoAI need to ensure greater safety guardrails on their technology, including having clearer and more specific terms of service violations for content related to extremism and violence. Lastly, terrorism legislation in the UK must address the use of GAI tools for enabling terrorist activity, including that of violence advice, explosives creation and attack planning. It is imperative that the tech sector work closely with the Labour government to ensure and amend, when necessary, the Online Safety Act to ensure that it is agile and responsive to current and evolving terrorist threats this technology is almost certainly likely to facilitate.
Louis Dean is a Junior Analyst at Crest advisory undertaking research on the current state of extremism in the UK. He holds a MA in Terrorism, Security and Society from King’s College London, where he achieved a Distinction.