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Posts tagged with ‘Eco-Fascism’

  • Mar202023

    Frank James: The New York Subway Shooter’s Radical Discourse on Social Media

    Introduction  On April 12, 2022, Frank R. James carried out a shooting in the New York City Subway, injuring ten…

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  • Nov022022

    Understanding Eco-Fascism: A Thematic Analysis of the Eco-Fascist Subculture on Telegram

    ‘Eco-fascism’ gained much attention following the 2019 Christchurch and El Paso attacks, with both attackers fusing environmental degradation and overpopulation…

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  • Jan062021

    Eco-Fascism: More than Tree-Loving Terrorists

    The climate and ecological crisis was one of the dominating issues in 2019. Boosted by the visible environmental and ecological…

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