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  • Oct102022

    The Emerging Raw Food Movement and the ‘Great Reset’

    Introduction  Food has become an increasingly visible topic across far-right digital subcultures as well as the broader right-wing online ecosystem.…

  • Oct042022

    Nihilism and Mass Shooterism: Unclear Categories and Potential Dangers

    In 2022, public mass shootings continue to present a serious societal challenge in the US. This year has already experienced over…

  • Oct032022

    Extremist Influencers: Hyper- and Super-Posters in Extremist Forums

    Investigating Posting Behaviour in Extremist Online Spaces The growing concern over online extremist radicalisation has driven increased interest in the…

  • Sep272022

    Resurrecting the Reich: Middle Eastern and North African Digital Nazi Communities 

    In 1926, the first Nazi Party cell was set up in Alexandria, Egypt. It would soon be followed by one…

  • Sep212022

    The Role of User Agency in the Algorithmic Amplification of Terrorist and Violent Extremist Content

    There is an increasing focus by governments and certain concerned civil society initiatives that algorithms might be amplifying terrorist and…

  • Sep142022

    The Tate Storm: Why Banning Andrew Tate from Social Media Will Not Stop the ‘King of Toxic Masculinity’

    “This War has Just Begun”  In August 2022, UK-based advocacy group Hope Not Hate made waves when they successfully campaigned…

  • Sep122022

    Analysing Terrorgram Publications: A New Digital Zine

    Introduction “For every Accelerationist who contributed to this book, there are 10000 others who will download, read and become further…

  • Sep082022

    Right-Wing Extremists’ Use of the Internet: Emerging Trends in the Empirical Literature

    Introduction Close attention by journalists and policymakers to the widespread use of the Internet by violent Western (i.e., American, Canadian,…

  • Sep052022

    Can Serious Games Make a Difference in P/CVE?

    Video games and gamification have become key tools of extremist actors’ recruitment arsenal and have taken a central role in…

  • Aug312022

    The Time for e-Democracy is Now: How a Digitally Functional Democracy Could Prevent Extremist Accelerationism

    Online hate communities view ongoing democratic backsliding as supportive of their accelerationist cause. Tech companies and governments must therefore seize…

  • Aug252022

    Humour in Jihadi Rhetoric: A Comparative Analysis of ISIS, Al-Qaeda, TTP, and the Taliban

    Humour in Jihadi magazines plays a significant role in the formation of collective identity and “creates a sense of internal…

  • Aug232022

    Incel Extremism in India: A View from the Global South

    Content warning: this Insight contains descriptions of sexual violence.  Introduction Over the years, violent crimes against women have been reported…

  • Aug192022

    How QAnon is Dealing With The FBI Raid on Trump

    When the FBI executed their search warrant on Mar-A-Lago on August 8th, QAnon was all over the news. Their first…

  • Aug172022

    Recommendation Systems and Extremism: What Do We Know?

    One of the most persistent policy concerns of recent years is the notion that social media platforms’ recommendation systems restrict…

  • Aug152022

    Understanding The Incel Experience Online

    Incel, short for ‘involuntarily celibate’, is self-identification used exclusively by cis-gender, straight males who congregate exclusively in online spaces, and…

  • Aug102022

    Inside Hindutva’s Great Replacement Conspiracy

    The recent killings of African Americans in Buffalo, New York, have once again renewed discussions of the ‘Great Replacement’ conspiracy…

  • Aug082022

    Al Qa’ida and Islamic State Supporter Reactions to Zawahiri’s Death

    This Insight provides a quick overview of al-Qa’ida supporter reactions to Zawahiri’s death followed by a closer focus on pro-IS…

  • Aug032022

    Mass Shooterism and the Need for Online Interventions and Bystander Resources

    This Insight was originally posted on Moonshot’s blog. For more information on Moonshot’s digital interventions, please visit their website or get…

  • Jul282022

    The Writing on the (Facebook) Wall: A Revised Assessment of Posting and Support for Violence by Pro-Rittenhouse Meme Creators

    The Case Kyle Rittenhouse, the recently-acquitted teen shooter of Kenosha fame, continues to be a cultural and political lightning rod…

  • Jul262022

    Comparing Online Posting Typologies Among Violent and Nonviolent Right-Wing Extremists

    Although many researchers, practitioners, and policymakers are concerned about identifying and characterising online posting patterns of violent extremists prior to…

  • Jul202022

    White Nationalism, Stormfront, and the Extremist Politicisation of Science

    For decades, terrorists and extremists have been harnessing the affordances of media in general, and the internet, specifically, for their…

  • Jul182022

    Examining White Supremacist and Militant Accelerationism Trends on TikTok 

    In the wake of the racially motivated terrorist attack at a Tops supermarket in Buffalo, New York in May 2022,…

  • Jul132022

    Ideological Nihilism and Aesthetic Violence: Mass Shooters and Online Antisocial Subcultures

    The Highland Park shooter’s online footprint has seen a lot of scrutiny in the week since his attack, and rightly…

  • Jul112022

    Terrorist Financing and Technology: Understanding Approaches and Anticipating Risks

    Over the last two decades, there has been considerable focus in the international community on countering the financing of terrorism…

  • Jul052022

    Persuading with Fantasy: Why Digital P/CVE Narrative Campaigns May Benefit from Fictional Elements 

    The narratives we are exposed to and the stories we tell ourselves and each other have a profound impact on…

  • Jul012022

    The Buffalo Attack – Insights From the Suspected Terrorist’s Diary

    The ‘diary’ of Payton Gendron, who carried out the Buffalo attack on May 14 2022 killing ten and wounding three,…

  • Jun282022

    Al Qaeda, Islamic State, and Targeted Online Propaganda Around India’s Domestic Political Discourse

    Some recent comments made by party functionaries of the ruling Bharaitya Janata Party (BJP) of India on Prophet Mohammed led…

  • Jun232022

    The Future is Now: The Use of 3D-Printed Guns by Extremists and Terrorists

    Over the past three years, the threat of extremists and terrorists making 3D-printed guns has changed from a hypothetical to…

  • Jun202022

    Nazis, Conspiracists, and the Australian Federal Election

    In April 2022, police opened fire at a car that was accelerating towards them in the middle of Paris, killing…

  • Jun172022

    ‘Mujahideen in the West’: Al-Qaeda’s Newest Attack-Inciting Magazine

    In February 2022, a new English-language magazine titled Mujahideen in the West (MITW) appeared on Al-Qaeda (AQ)-affiliated media platforms. The…

  • Jun152022

    Islamic State Audacity of Hope/Facebook’s Islamic State Problem 

    Islamic State material, in any form, not least its raw and explicit form, has no place on the open web.…

  • Jun132022

    The Rise of Narco-Terrorism in the Age of the Internet

    Narco-terrorism is a term that explains drug trafficking cartels/organised crime groups which resort to terrorism to achieve their aims. Narco-terrorism…

  • Jun102022

    The Gamification of Violent Extremism: An Empirical Exploration of the Christchurch Attack

    This Insight is based on research conducted by the author and Susann Wiedlitzka, the results of which are extensively discussed…

  • Jun082022

    ‘Victims of Feminism’: Exploring Networked Misogyny and #MeToo in the Manosphere

    The creation and circulation of online misogynist narratives can have dreadful consequences. For example, in 2014 Elliot Rodger killed six…

  • May312022

    The Great Replacement and the Far-Right Music Scene

    With this month’s far-right attack in Buffalo, there was a lot of discussion in the popular media and amongst policymakers…

  • May302022

    Understanding Accelerationist Narratives: The Great Replacement Theory

    On 14 May 2022, an 18-year-old white male allegedly perpetrated a carefully planned mass shooting targeting Black Americans. He opened…

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