- Jul062020
#Hamas: Using Twitter to Gain Legitimacy or Incite Violence?
The rise of Islamic State (IS) heralded a new wave of important research on violent extremist groups’ use of digital…
Devorah Margolin - Jul032020
From 4G to Languages: The Developing Online Jihadist Propaganda Network in India
As online propaganda material specifically targeting Indian and South Asian ecosystems has been appearing more aggressively since the beginning of…
Kabir Taneja - Jul022020
Banning Nazis or “Burning Books”? How Big Tech is Responding to Hate Speech, and the Implications
This week, YouTube took the decision to kick a number of influential far-right accounts off its platform, including those of…
Florence Keen - Jun302020
Islamic State Telegram Stickers: Purposes, Themes, and Narratives
The dynamic encompassing nature of Islamic State propaganda includes a wide array of messaging ranging from official media (which includes…
Meili Criezis - Jun292020
#NiemalsaufKnien: How the Identitarian Movement in Germany Reacted to the Black Lives Matter Protests
The death of Afro-American George Floyd at the hands of white police officers on 25 May this year has inspired…
Linda Schlegel - Jun252020
Jihadist “Special Forces”: Training Camp Videos as an Intelligence Source
In April 2015, the jihadist terror group Islamic State (IS) released a five-minute propaganda video claiming to showcase its elite…
Dr. Daniel Koehler - Jun232020
A New Wave of Right-Wing Terrorism
Right-wing terrorism is a growing threat for democratic societies globally. With rising numbers in death tolls and far-right narratives creeping…
Reem Ahmed - Jun222020
The YouTube Browsing Habits of a Lone-Actor Terrorist
On 10 October 2019, Safiyya Amira Shaikh was arrested in London for planning a terrorist attack on St. Paul’s Cathedral.…
Rajan Basra - Jun192020
Jihadist Reactions to the U.S. Protests
Jihadist reactions to the U.S. protests that have arisen as part of the Black Lives Matter trend have been fairly…
Aymenn Al-Tamimi - Jun172020
Between Creativity, Innovation and Terrorism Studies Part I
Interest in creativity and innovation stems from a common assumption that these are positive forces, helping to usher in progress,…
Isaac Kfir - Jun152020
Assessing the Threat of QAnon Violence
Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate was the theatre of an unusual scene on Saturday, 23 May 2020. As thousands gathered throughout Germany…
Julien Bellaiche - Jun112020
“Help for Sisters”: A Look at Crowdfunding Campaigns with Potential Links to Terrorist and Criminal Networks
Terrorist and violent extremist groups have long used charitable giving as a means to amass and disguise support for their…
Audrey Alexander - Jun102020
Social Media as a Mirror of External Circumstances: Insights Into a Radical Group
Radicalisation processes take place in a field of tension between the actor and the outside world. External reactions and circumstances…
Mika Josephine Moeller - Jun082020
Digital Platforms and Extremism 2: Electric Boogaloo
Increasingly the “boogaloo” movement has been making the news with its capacity to mobilise protestors and spread disinformation during the…
Marc-André Argentino - Jun042020
Evolving Digital OPSEC Practices Amongst Far-Right Networks
Over the past several years, there has been increasing attention paid to the use and exploitation of digital platforms by…
Dr. Michael Loadenthal - Jun012020
Jihadists see COVID-19 as an Opportunity
Jihadists in general have cautiously welcomed the COVID-19 pandemic, seeing it mostly as a problem for their enemies and an…
Mina al-Lami - May282020
The Coronavirus Isn’t Immune From the Far-Right
Far-right extremists online leap from one topic to another, trolling, distorting, and amplifying everything from widespread news stories to more…
Angie Gad - May262020
The Internet and Lone Wolf Terrorism in India
The term “lone wolf” attacks may lead some to assume such endeavours to be a single individual’s undertaking. However, research…
Kabir Taneja - May212020
How the Far-Right Uses Memes in Online Warfare
With the advent of Web 2.0, memes have become a popular means of communication. Primarily taking the form of an…
Friederike Wegener - May182020
Call to Arms: Social Media and Far-Right Narratives of COVID-19
Whilst most of us isolating due to COVID-19 trawl social media for factual information, updated guidelines and messages of hope…
Peita Richards - May142020
Early Warning? Opportunities And Limits Of Automated Internet Monitoring
Policymakers have invested considerable effort and research funding to understand the role of the Internet in radicalisation processes and attack…
Dr. Robert Pelzer - May132020
Extremist Responses to COVID-19 in Latin America
Expansion of the COVID-19 pandemic has been leveraged by armed non-state actors in numerous ways. Much of the attention to…
Dr. Alexis Henshaw - May112020
Weighing the Value and Risks of Deplatforming
Last month, the video platform TikTok banned far-right extremists Britain First and Tommy Robinson, the latest action taken by a…
Ryan Greer - May072020
The Gift of the Gab: The Utilisation of COVID-19 for Neo-Nazi Recruitment
Following the confiscation of the domain of the right-wing forum Fascist Forge, neo-Nazi recruiters have been migrating over to the…
Ashton Kingdon - May062020
Remembering Toronto: Two Years Later, Incel Terrorism Threat Lingers
Two years after Alek Minassian’s homicidal vehicular rampage through Toronto, the deadliest incel terrorist attack to date, the violent fringes…
Jacob Ware - May042020
The Risks of a Telegram Crypto-Wallet
Last month, a federal judge in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York ruled in favour…
Andrew Mines - May012020
Shooting for 1080p Full HD – Assessing Islamic State’s Cameras
In the past, particularly between 2014 and 2017, Islamic State’s (IS) video propaganda has been noted, among other things, for…
Yorck Beese - Apr292020
The line between protest and terrorism is clear, but can become complicated when one digs into the underlying ideas. Many…
Raffaello Pantucci - Apr282020
Salafist Groups’ use of Social Media and its Implications for Prevention
Researchers largely agree that radicalisation processes mostly include both real-world and virtual conditions. However, the interaction of both spheres has…
Hande Abay Gaspar - Apr272020
Comparing Jihadist and Far-Right Extremist Narratives on COVID-19
It should come as no surprise that extremist groups are talking about COVID-19. Beyond the immediate public health emergency, this…
Milo Comerford - Apr232020
The Amalgamation of Virtuality and Reality in Radicalisation Processes
Virtuality has long since become an integral part of the world we live in today. It is thus not surprising…
Manjana Sold - Apr222020
The ‘Incel’ Ideology Continues to Build a Strong Following in the Online ‘Manosphere’
While most of the counterterrorism community has focused on the threat posed by Salafi-jihadists and radical right-wing extremists, the growth…
Dr. Colin Clarke - Apr212020
Online Antisemitism in Times of COVID-19
On 7 April, Germany’s Commissioner on antisemitism Felix Klein warned of a surge in antisemitism with the spread of the…
Julien Bellaiche - Apr212020
5G and the Far Right: How Extremists Capitalise on Coronavirus Conspiracies
Not since 9/11 has a global event given so much opportunity to conspiracy theorists as the novel coronavirus pandemic. The…
Dr. Alexander Meleagrou-Hitchens - Apr152020
“#CoronaJihad”: How the Far-Right in India is Responding to the Pandemic
A number of far-right extremists have recently taken to social media platforms to spread conspiratorial content about COVID-19. Such conspiracy…
Dr. Eviane Leidig - Apr152020
Coronavirus and Official Islamic State Output: An Analysis
‘Islamic State is avoiding Europe/telling fighters to avoid Europe’: headlines and stories along these lines circulated in many media outlets…
Aymenn Al-Tamimi