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  • Jul062020

    #Hamas: Using Twitter to Gain Legitimacy or Incite Violence?

    The rise of Islamic State (IS) heralded a new wave of important research on violent extremist groups’ use of digital…

  • Jul032020

    From 4G to Languages: The Developing Online Jihadist Propaganda Network in India

    As online propaganda material specifically targeting Indian and South Asian ecosystems has been appearing more aggressively since the beginning of…

  • Jul022020

    Banning Nazis or “Burning Books”? How Big Tech is Responding to Hate Speech, and the Implications

    This week, YouTube took the decision to kick a number of influential far-right accounts off its platform, including those of…

  • Jun302020

    Islamic State Telegram Stickers: Purposes, Themes, and Narratives

    The dynamic encompassing nature of Islamic State propaganda includes a wide array of messaging ranging from official media (which includes…

  • Jun292020

    #NiemalsaufKnien: How the Identitarian Movement in Germany Reacted to the Black Lives Matter Protests

    The death of Afro-American George Floyd at the hands of white police officers on 25 May this year has inspired…

  • Jun252020

    Jihadist “Special Forces”: Training Camp Videos as an Intelligence Source

    In April 2015, the jihadist terror group Islamic State (IS) released a five-minute propaganda video claiming to showcase its elite…

  • Jun232020

    A New Wave of Right-Wing Terrorism

    Right-wing terrorism is a growing threat for democratic societies globally. With rising numbers in death tolls and far-right narratives creeping…

  • Jun222020

    The YouTube Browsing Habits of a Lone-Actor Terrorist

    On 10 October 2019, Safiyya Amira Shaikh was arrested in London for planning a terrorist attack on St. Paul’s Cathedral.…

  • Jun192020

    Jihadist Reactions to the U.S. Protests

    Jihadist reactions to the U.S. protests that have arisen as part of the Black Lives Matter trend have been fairly…

  • Jun172020

    Between Creativity, Innovation and Terrorism Studies Part I

    Interest in creativity and innovation stems from a common assumption that these are positive forces, helping to usher in progress,…

  • Jun152020

    Assessing the Threat of QAnon Violence

    Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate was the theatre of an unusual scene on Saturday, 23 May 2020. As thousands gathered throughout Germany…

  • Jun112020

    “Help for Sisters”: A Look at Crowdfunding Campaigns with Potential Links to Terrorist and Criminal Networks

    Terrorist and violent extremist groups have long used charitable giving as a means to amass and disguise support for their…

  • Jun102020

    Social Media as a Mirror of External Circumstances: Insights Into a Radical Group

    Radicalisation processes take place in a field of tension between the actor and the outside world. External reactions and circumstances…

  • Jun082020

    Digital Platforms and Extremism 2: Electric Boogaloo

    Increasingly the “boogaloo” movement has been making the news with its capacity to mobilise protestors and spread disinformation during the…

  • Jun042020

    Evolving Digital OPSEC Practices Amongst Far-Right Networks

    Over the past several years, there has been increasing attention paid to the use and exploitation of digital platforms by…

  • Jun012020

    Jihadists see COVID-19 as an Opportunity

    Jihadists in general have cautiously welcomed the COVID-19 pandemic, seeing it mostly as a problem for their enemies and an…

  • May282020

    The Coronavirus Isn’t Immune From the Far-Right

    Far-right extremists online leap from one topic to another, trolling, distorting, and amplifying everything from widespread news stories to more…

  • May262020

    The Internet and Lone Wolf Terrorism in India

    The term “lone wolf” attacks may lead some to assume such endeavours to be a single individual’s undertaking. However, research…

  • May212020

    How the Far-Right Uses Memes in Online Warfare

    With the advent of Web 2.0, memes have become a popular means of communication. Primarily taking the form of an…

  • May182020

    Call to Arms: Social Media and Far-Right Narratives of COVID-19

    Whilst most of us isolating due to COVID-19 trawl social media for factual information, updated guidelines and messages of hope…

  • May142020

    Early Warning? Opportunities And Limits Of Automated Internet Monitoring

    Policymakers have invested considerable effort and research funding to understand the role of the Internet in radicalisation processes and attack…

  • May132020

    Extremist Responses to COVID-19 in Latin America

    Expansion of the COVID-19 pandemic has been leveraged by armed non-state actors in numerous ways. Much of the attention to…

  • May112020

    Weighing the Value and Risks of Deplatforming

    Last month, the video platform TikTok banned far-right extremists Britain First and Tommy Robinson, the latest action taken by a…

  • May072020

    The Gift of the Gab: The Utilisation of COVID-19 for Neo-Nazi Recruitment

    Following the confiscation of the domain of the right-wing forum Fascist Forge, neo-Nazi recruiters have been migrating over to the…

  • May062020

    Remembering Toronto: Two Years Later, Incel Terrorism Threat Lingers

    Two years after Alek Minassian’s homicidal vehicular rampage through Toronto, the deadliest incel terrorist attack to date, the violent fringes…

  • May042020

    The Risks of a Telegram Crypto-Wallet

    Last month, a federal judge in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York ruled in favour…

  • May012020

    Shooting for 1080p Full HD – Assessing Islamic State’s Cameras

    In the past, particularly between 2014 and 2017, Islamic State’s (IS) video propaganda has been noted, among other things, for…

  • Apr292020


    The line between protest and terrorism is clear, but can become complicated when one digs into the underlying ideas. Many…

  • Apr282020

    Salafist Groups’ use of Social Media and its Implications for Prevention

    Researchers largely agree that radicalisation processes mostly include both real-world and virtual conditions. However, the interaction of both spheres has…

  • Apr272020

    Comparing Jihadist and Far-Right Extremist Narratives on COVID-19

    It should come as no surprise that extremist groups are talking about COVID-19. Beyond the immediate public health emergency, this…

  • Apr232020

    The Amalgamation of Virtuality and Reality in Radicalisation Processes

    Virtuality has long since become an integral part of the world we live in today. It is thus not surprising…

  • Apr222020

    The ‘Incel’ Ideology Continues to Build a Strong Following in the Online ‘Manosphere’

    While most of the counterterrorism community has focused on the threat posed by Salafi-jihadists and radical right-wing extremists, the growth…

  • Apr212020

    Online Antisemitism in Times of COVID-19

    On 7 April, Germany’s Commissioner on antisemitism Felix Klein warned of a surge in antisemitism with the spread of the…

  • Apr212020

    5G and the Far Right: How Extremists Capitalise on Coronavirus Conspiracies

    Not since 9/11 has a global event given so much opportunity to conspiracy theorists as the novel coronavirus pandemic.  The…

  • Apr152020

    “#CoronaJihad”: How the Far-Right in India is Responding to the Pandemic

    A number of far-right extremists have recently taken to social media platforms to spread conspiratorial content about COVID-19. Such conspiracy…

  • Apr152020

    Coronavirus and Official Islamic State Output: An Analysis

    ‘Islamic State is avoiding Europe/telling fighters to avoid Europe’: headlines and stories along these lines circulated in many media outlets…

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