- Apr082021
Online Behaviours – Real World Harms
In the 20 years since the terrorist events of 11 September 2001, ever-evolving political, social and economic dynamics globally have…
Leanne Close - Apr062021
Male Supremacism, Borderline Content, and Gaps in Existing Moderation Efforts
Leaders of Google, Facebook and Twitter testified once again in front of the US House of Representatives in a hearing…
Ye Bin Won - Apr012021
The Role of the Chans in the Far-Right Online Ecosystem
At 08:28 (NZDT) on 15 March 2019, a post was made to 8chan’s /pol board stating “Well lads, it’s time…
Dr. Lewys Brace - Mar312021
How QAnon Reacts to Failed Predictions
The QAnon movement is no stranger to failed predictions. Despite making numerous predictions about everything from the return of John…
Broderick McDonald - Mar302021
Alternative Platforms and Alternative Recommendation Systems: A Case of the Australian Sovereign Citizen Movement on Telegram
The sovereign citizen movement is a collection of individuals and groups who reject the legitimacy of the state and hold…
Lydia Khalil - Mar292021
Let’s Play Prevention: Can P/CVE Turn the Tables on Extremists’ Use of Gamification?
In the wake of the attacks in Christchurch, El Paso and Halle, the so-called ‘gamification of terror’ has made headlines…
Linda Schlegel - Mar262021
Radicalisation and Recruitment Online in Times of COVID-19: The Pandemic as a Propaganda Opportunity
The jihadist doctrine is an ideological corpus built up by extremist theorists to give their destabilising aims a legal and…
Youssef Tobi - Mar252021
Hyper-Reality, Identity and Mediatisation – A Sociological Reflection on the Pro-Islamic State Online Community
During the opening months of 2021 several pro-Islamic State unofficial media outlets have produced and shared a vast amount of…
Dr. Michael Krona - Mar242021
Venture Capitalism, Extremism and Accountability
Attempts to limit the dissemination of extreme digital speech have taken many forms as seen with Germany’s Network Enforcement Act…
Isaac Kfir - Mar242021
Two Years On: Understanding the Resonance of the Christchurch Attack on Imageboard Sites
15 March 2021 marked two years since the Christchurch terrorist attack in New Zealand, where 51 Muslims were killed by…
Milo Comerford - Mar232021
No Child’s Play: IS Propaganda Videos and the Recruitment of Children
Imagine the horror of seeing a child in a video executing an individual. Islamic State (IS) raised the brutality of…
Flora Khoo - Mar232021
Mexican Cartel Use of Social Media
The use of social media by the Mexican cartels dates back approximately to the 2005-2006 era when the initial cartel…
Dr. Robert Bunker - Mar222021
Cyber-Enabled Extremism in Australia
While still a relatively young and geographically isolated nation state, Australia is no stranger to extremism. Over time, since the…
Rachael Falk - Mar192021
The Issue Isn’t Incels. It’s Racist Misogyny.
On 16 March 2021, NBC News reporter Kimmy Yam published a piece that summarised the research done by the organisation…
Dr. Julia DeCook - Mar182021
Rhetoric of Hate: A Case Study in Anti-East Asian Bigotry
On 16 March 2021, a man carried out a series of shootings at three massage parlours in Atlanta, Georgia which…
Meili Criezis - Mar172021
Pastel QAnon
On 21 July 2020, Twitter Safety announced that they will be taking a stronger enforcement against “behavior that has the…
Marc-André Argentino - Mar152021
Leaving the World of ‘Impiety’: French Salafi Settlers in Mauritania
Since 2019, online calls for hijra to Mauritania have soared within radical Islamist communities on the Internet. ‘Hijra’ is a…
Brune Descamps - Mar122021
The WQmen of QAnon
Women play an important part in radical and violent extremist movements; however, since men carry out the majority of violent…
Marc-André Argentino - Mar112021
The Ethics of Regulating Extremism Online: Five Elements for Content Moderation Frameworks
In the wake of the storming of the US capitol on 6 January, we saw unprecedented responses by tech companies…
Dr. Alastair Reed - Mar102021
Comparing the Online Posting Behaviours of Violent and Non-Violent Right-Wing Extremists
Despite the ongoing need for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to identify and assess the online activities of violent extremists prior…
Dr. Ryan Scrivens - Mar052021
Turning the Tap Off: The Impacts of Social Media Shutdown After Sri Lanka’s Easter Attacks
This blog post is a summary of key findings from research published by the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism as part of…
Dr. Amarnath Amarasingam - Mar032021
Selfie and Siege: Women’s Social Media Footprint and the US Capitol Hill Siege
As of 25 February 2021, over 250 federal cases have been brought against individuals for their alleged involvement in the…
Devorah Margolin - Mar012021
Playing for Hate?
The video game industry is the largest and fastest growing popular culture industry in the world by monetary value, yet…
Dr. Nick Robinson - Feb242021
The Social Media Anatomy of New Radical Groups in Kashmir
In December 2020, a new militant group called the “United Liberation Front (ULF)” operating in Jammu & Kashmir made its…
Kabir Taneja - Feb222021
Turning Back to Biologised Racism: A Content Analysis of Patriotic Alternative UK’s Online Discourse
The UK far-right has experienced a marked transition in the past decade from parliamentary to more extra-parliamentary forms of activism.…
Dr. William Allchorn - Feb192021
Online Extremism and Terrorism Researcher Security and Privacy: Some Practical Advice
Fortunately for Western scholars, as pointed out by Berger, “o date, jihadist extremists have not systematically targeted researchers for potential…
Dr. Maura Conway - Feb172021
Odysee: The New YouTube for the Far-Right
The emergence of the newest platform favoured by far-right actors has received surprisingly little attention in the midst of ongoing…
Dr. Eviane Leidig - Feb152021
Infrastructure, Sabotage, and Accelerationism
In my previous GNET Insight, I focused on the ideological collision between anti-5G, the coronavirus, and the far-right. The present…
Dr. Michael Loadenthal - Feb122021
Who are the Jihadi Video Journalists? An Analysis of a new Form of Activism in the Northwest of Syria
This Insight aims to depict the work of Idlib-based Western Islamist ‘backpack reporters’ who have specialised in reporting news from the…
Brune Descamps - Feb102021
China and the Australian Far-Right
Since the start of the pandemic, China and the ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP) have become a key rallying point…
Dr. Kaz Ross - Feb082021
Understanding Canada’s Recent Ban of Far-Right Extremist Groups
On 3 February, the Canadian government added four far-right extremist groups to their list of proscribed terrorist entities. Some of…
Dr. Amarnath Amarasingam - Feb052021
Assessing Attempts at Removing German Far-Right Conspiracy Content in the Aftermath of Trump’s Presidency
2020 has been the year in which Germany achieved infamous standing as the country with the biggest QAnon community outside…
Inga Trauthig - Feb042021
The Comeback of Unconstitutional Provisions Against Online Hatred in France: Second Attempt to Circumvent Judicial Review to Block Websites
Since the early 2010s, and even more so since the Paris attacks of 2015, France has taken a prominent role…
Dr. Rebecca Mignot-Mahdavi - Feb022021
Singapore: The Lure of the Far-Right
The news of the detention of a 16 year old self-radicalised Singaporean (of Protestant faith) who planned to murder Muslim…
Dr. Shashi Jayakumar - Feb012021
Jihadists at Play
When I began working on The Idols of ISIS: From Assyria to the Internet, I used research funds to buy…
Dr. Aaron Tugendhaft - Jan282021
3D-Printed Gun Laws: Girding for the Future of Terrorism
In January 2021, the city-state of Singapore – which takes a firm stance against terrorism – passed a new law…
Muhammad Faizal Abdul Rahman