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  • Apr082021

    Online Behaviours – Real World Harms

    In the 20 years since the terrorist events of 11 September 2001, ever-evolving political, social and economic dynamics globally have…

  • Apr062021

    Male Supremacism, Borderline Content, and Gaps in Existing Moderation Efforts

    Leaders of Google, Facebook and Twitter testified once again in front of the US House of Representatives in a hearing…

  • Apr012021

    The Role of the Chans in the Far-Right Online Ecosystem

    At 08:28 (NZDT) on 15 March 2019, a post was made to 8chan’s /pol board stating “Well lads, it’s time…

  • Mar312021

    How QAnon Reacts to Failed Predictions

    The QAnon movement is no stranger to failed predictions. Despite making numerous predictions about everything from the return of John…

  • Mar302021

    Alternative Platforms and Alternative Recommendation Systems: A Case of the Australian Sovereign Citizen Movement on Telegram

    The sovereign citizen movement is a collection of individuals and groups who reject the legitimacy of the state and hold…

  • Mar292021

    Let’s Play Prevention: Can P/CVE Turn the Tables on Extremists’ Use of Gamification?

    In the wake of the attacks in Christchurch, El Paso and Halle, the so-called ‘gamification of terror’ has made headlines…

  • Mar262021

    Radicalisation and Recruitment Online in Times of COVID-19: The Pandemic as a Propaganda Opportunity

    The jihadist doctrine is an ideological corpus built up by extremist theorists to give their destabilising aims a legal and…

  • Mar252021

    Hyper-Reality, Identity and Mediatisation – A Sociological Reflection on the Pro-Islamic State Online Community

    During the opening months of 2021 several pro-Islamic State unofficial media outlets have produced and shared a vast amount of…

  • Mar242021

    Venture Capitalism, Extremism and Accountability

    Attempts to limit the dissemination of extreme digital speech have taken many forms as seen with Germany’s Network Enforcement Act…

  • Mar242021

    Two Years On: Understanding the Resonance of the Christchurch Attack on Imageboard Sites

    15 March 2021 marked two years since the Christchurch terrorist attack in New Zealand, where 51 Muslims were killed by…

  • Mar232021

    No Child’s Play: IS Propaganda Videos and the Recruitment of Children

    Imagine the horror of seeing a child in a video executing an individual. Islamic State (IS) raised the brutality of…

  • Mar232021

    Mexican Cartel Use of Social Media

    The use of social media by the Mexican cartels dates back approximately to the 2005-2006 era when the initial cartel…

  • Mar222021

    Cyber-Enabled Extremism in Australia

    While still a relatively young and geographically isolated nation state, Australia is no stranger to extremism. Over time, since the…

  • Mar192021

    The Issue Isn’t Incels. It’s Racist Misogyny.

    On 16 March 2021, NBC News reporter Kimmy Yam published a piece that summarised the research done by the organisation…

  • Mar182021

    Rhetoric of Hate: A Case Study in Anti-East Asian Bigotry

    On 16 March 2021, a man carried out a series of shootings at three massage parlours in Atlanta, Georgia which…

  • Mar172021

    Pastel QAnon

    On 21 July 2020, Twitter Safety announced that they will be taking a stronger enforcement against “behavior that has the…

  • Mar152021

    Leaving the World of ‘Impiety’: French Salafi Settlers in Mauritania

    Since 2019, online calls for hijra to Mauritania have soared within radical Islamist communities on the Internet. ‘Hijra’ is a…

  • Mar122021

    The WQmen of QAnon

    Women play an important part in radical and violent extremist movements; however, since men carry out the majority of violent…

  • Mar112021

    The Ethics of Regulating Extremism Online: Five Elements for Content Moderation Frameworks

    In the wake of the storming of the US capitol on 6 January, we saw unprecedented responses by tech companies…

  • Mar102021

    Comparing the Online Posting Behaviours of Violent and Non-Violent Right-Wing Extremists

    Despite the ongoing need for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to identify and assess the online activities of violent extremists prior…

  • Mar052021

    Turning the Tap Off: The Impacts of Social Media Shutdown After Sri Lanka’s Easter Attacks

    This blog post is a summary of key findings from research published by the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism as part of…

  • Mar032021

    Selfie and Siege: Women’s Social Media Footprint and the US Capitol Hill Siege

    As of 25 February 2021, over 250 federal cases have been brought against individuals for their alleged involvement in the…

  • Mar012021

    Playing for Hate?

    The video game industry is the largest and fastest growing popular culture industry in the world by monetary value, yet…

  • Feb242021

    The Social Media Anatomy of New Radical Groups in Kashmir

    In December 2020, a new militant group called the “United Liberation Front (ULF)” operating in Jammu & Kashmir made its…

  • Feb222021

    Turning Back to Biologised Racism: A Content Analysis of Patriotic Alternative UK’s Online Discourse

    The UK far-right has experienced a marked transition in the past decade from parliamentary to more extra-parliamentary forms of activism.…

  • Feb192021

    Online Extremism and Terrorism Researcher Security and Privacy: Some Practical Advice

    Fortunately for Western scholars, as pointed out by Berger, “o date, jihadist extremists have not systematically targeted researchers for potential…

  • Feb172021

    Odysee: The New YouTube for the Far-Right

    The emergence of the newest platform favoured by far-right actors has received surprisingly little attention in the midst of ongoing…

  • Feb152021

    Infrastructure, Sabotage, and Accelerationism

    In my previous GNET Insight, I focused on the ideological collision between anti-5G, the coronavirus, and the far-right. The present…

  • Feb122021

    Who are the Jihadi Video Journalists? An Analysis of a new Form of Activism in the Northwest of Syria

    This Insight aims to depict the work of Idlib-based Western Islamist ‘backpack reporters’ who have specialised in reporting news from the…

  • Feb102021

    China and the Australian Far-Right

    Since the start of the pandemic, China and the ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP) have become a key rallying point…

  • Feb082021

    Understanding Canada’s Recent Ban of Far-Right Extremist Groups

    On 3 February, the Canadian government added four far-right extremist groups to their list of proscribed terrorist entities. Some of…

  • Feb052021

    Assessing Attempts at Removing German Far-Right Conspiracy Content in the Aftermath of Trump’s Presidency

    2020 has been the year in which Germany achieved infamous standing as the country with the biggest QAnon community outside…

  • Feb042021

    The Comeback of Unconstitutional Provisions Against Online Hatred in France: Second Attempt to Circumvent Judicial Review to Block Websites

    Since the early 2010s, and even more so since the Paris attacks of 2015, France has taken a prominent role…

  • Feb022021

    Singapore: The Lure of the Far-Right

    The news of the detention of a 16 year old self-radicalised Singaporean (of Protestant faith) who planned to murder Muslim…

  • Feb012021

    Jihadists at Play

    When I began working on The Idols of ISIS: From Assyria to the Internet, I used research funds to buy…

  • Jan282021

    3D-Printed Gun Laws: Girding for the Future of Terrorism

    In January 2021, the city-state of Singapore – which takes a firm stance against terrorism –  passed a new law…

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