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GNET Research Digest – February 2021

GNET Research Digest – February 2021
26th February 2021 GNET Team
In Research Digest

Welcome to the February edition of the Global Network on Extremism and Technology (GNET) research digest.

Your digest contains a selection of relevant news, research, academic journal articles, and GNET Insights relating to terrorist use of technology.

GNET Report

Allington, Daniel (8 February 2021). “Conspiracy Theories, Radicalisation and Digital Media.”

Academic Papers

Bouko, Catherine et al. (1 February 2021). “Discourse Patterns Used by Extremist Salafists on Facebook: Identifying Potential Triggers to Cognitive Biases in Radicalized Content.” Critical Discourse Studies.

Lee, Hannarae and Choi, Kyung-Shick (16 February 2021). “Interrelationship Between Bitcoin, Ransomware, and Terrorist Activities: Criminal Opportunity Assessment via Cyber-Routine Activities Theoretical Framework.” Victims & Offenders.

Paduraru, Mihail (4 February 2021). “Theoretical and Practical Considerations Regarding the Use of Conditional Probability Assessment Algorithm in Early Warning Tasks Aimed to Prevent Acts of Terrorism and Violent Extremism.” Journal of Applied Security Research.

Akerlund, Mathilda (23 February 2021). “Dog Whistling Far-Right Code Words: The Case of ‘Culture Enricher’ on the Swedish Web.” Information, Communication and Society.

Rowa, Yvonne Jazz (29 January 2021). “Disruptive Islamism: ‘Islamic Radicalisation’ in Public Discourse, and the Strategies and Impact of Terrorist Communication on Refugees and Host Communities.” Behavioural Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression.

Mehran, Weeda and Lemieux, Anthony (17 February 2021). “”My Journey to Jihad’: Featured Stories in Jihadi Propaganda.” Behavioural Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression.

Khoo, Flora and Brown, William (8 February 2021). “Innocence Killed: Role of Propaganda Videos in the Recruitment of Children of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.” The Journal of International Communication.

News Articles

Morrison, Aaron (1 February 2021). “Hate Groups Migrate Online, Making Tracking More Difficult.” AP News.

Allyn, Bobby (8 February 2021). “‘Lex Luthor of the Internet’: Meet the Man Keeping Far-Right Websites Alive.” NPR.

Little, Olivia (10 February 2021). “TikTok is Teaching Teens how to Build Fully Automatic Rifles and Make “Hollow Point” Ammunition.” Media Matters.

Townsend, Mark (14 February 2021). “How Far Right Uses Video Games and Tech to Lure and Radicalise Teenage Recruits.” The Guardian.

Dearden, Lizzie (24 February 2021). “New Laws Needed to Tackle ‘Shocking and Dangerous’ Scale of Extremism, Review Finds.” The Independent.

McGowan, Michael (15 February 2021). “How Australia Became Fertile Ground for Misinformation and QAnon.” The Guardian.

Brookin, John and Technica, Ars (17 February 2021). “Parler Says It’s Back.” WIRED.

Visontay, Elias (24 February 2021). “Far Right ‘Exploiting’ Anger at Lockdowns to Radicalise Wellness Community, Police Say.” The Guardian.

BBC (25 February 2021). “Myanmar Coup: Facebook, Instagram Place Immediate Ban on Military.”

Cockerell, Isobel (17 February 2021). “Capitol Insurrection Captured, and Then Erased on Social Media.” Coda Story.


Taneja, Kabir and Shah, Khalid (24 February 2021). “The Social Media Anatomy of New Radical Groups in Kashmir.”

Allchorn, William (22 February 2021). “Turning Back to Biologised Racism: A Content Analysis of Patriotic Alternative UK’s Online Discourse.”

Conway, Maura (19 Feburary 2021). “Online Extremism and Terrorism Researcher Security and Privacy: Some Practical Advice.”

Leidig, Eviane (17 February 2021). “Odysee: The New YouTube for the Far-Right.”

Loadenthal, Michael (15 February 2021). “Infrastructure, Sabotage and Accelerationism.”

Descamps, Brune (12 February 2021). “Who are the Jihadi Video Journalists? An Analysis of a new Form of Activism in the Northwest of Syria.”

Ross, Kaz (10 February 2021). “China and the Australian Far-Right.”

Amarasingam, Amarnath and Nesbitt, Michael (8 February 2021). “Understanding Canada’s Recent Ban of Far-Right Extremist Groups.” 

Trauthig, Inga (5 February 2021). “Assessing Attempts at Removing German Far-Right Conspiracy Content in the Aftermath of Trump’s Presidency.”

Mignot-Mahdavi, Rebecca (4 February 2021). “The Comeback of Unconstitutional Provisions Against Online Hatred in France: Second Attempt to Circumvent Judicial Review to Block Websites.”

Jayakumar, Shashi (2 February 2021). “Singapore: The Lure of the Far-Right.”

Tugendhaft, Aaron (1 February 2021). “Jihadists at Play.”