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Author archive for Friederike Wegener

  • Jan062021

    Eco-Fascism: More than Tree-Loving Terrorists

    The climate and ecological crisis was one of the dominating issues in 2019. Boosted by the visible environmental and ecological…

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  • Sep182020

    Striking Similarities Between Islamist Terrorism and Violent Right-Wing Extremism

    In his book Identity: Contemporary Identity Politics and the Struggle for Recognition (2018), Francis Fukuyama describes nationalism and Islamism as…

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  • May212020

    How the Far-Right Uses Memes in Online Warfare

    With the advent of Web 2.0, memes have become a popular means of communication. Primarily taking the form of an…

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  • Mar162020

    The Globalisation of Right-Wing Copycat Attacks

    The World Wide Web unites the world by connecting people from far off places. From Norway to New Zealand, across…

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