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GNET Research Digest – January 2023

GNET Research Digest – January 2023
27th January 2023 GNET Team
In Research Digest

Welcome to the January edition of the Global Network on Extremism and Technology (GNET) research digest.

Your digest contains a selection of relevant news, research, academic journal articles, and GNET Insights relating to terrorist use of technology.

New GNET Report

Tackling Online Terrorist Content Together: Cooperation between Counterterrorism Law Enforcement and Technology Companies

Academic Papers

Baele, Stephane, Lewys Brace & Debbie Ging (24 January 2023). “A Diachronic Cross-Platforms Analysis of Violent Extremist Language in the Incel Online Ecosystem”. Terrorism and Political Violence.

Koehler, Daniel et al. (15 January 2023). “Don’t Kill the Messenger: Perceived Credibility of Far-Right Former Extremists and Police Officers in P/CVE Communication”. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism.

Rees, Joseph & Reza Montasari (3 January 2023). “The Use of Counter Narratives to Combat Violent Extremism Online”. Digital Transformation in Policing: The Promise, Perils and Solutions.

Vallinkoskia, Katja, Saija Benjamin & Kathlyn Elliott (30 December 2022). “‘By correcting disinformation and encouraging them towards tolerance’ -Finnish educators’ considerations of PVE-E”. Journal for Deradicalisation.

Lovrics, Nicholas (28 December 2022). “The Spectacles of Experience: Toward a New Understanding of ISIS’s Performative Violence”. New Sociological Perspectives.

Whyte, Christopher (28 December 2022). “Terror through the Looking Glass: Information Orientations and the Lens of Web Search Engines“. Terrorism and Political Violence.

Hoskins, Andrew & Pavel Shchelin (21 December 2022). “The War Feed: Digital War in Plain Sight“. American Behavioural Scientist.

Hoffman, Bruce & Jacob Ware (December 2022). “The Terrorist Threats and Trends to Watch Out for in 2023 and Beyond”. CTC Sentinel.Marone, Francesco (12 December 2022). “Right-wing extremism and lone-actor violence in Italy: the case of the 2018 Macerata shooting“. Modern Italy.Yilmaz, Ihsan & Raja M. Ali Saleem (8 December 2022). “Hindutva civilizational populist BJP’s enforcement of digital authoritarianism in India.” Populism & Politics.Rathje, Jan (December 2022). “Driven by Conspiracies: The Justification of Violence among “Reichsbürger” and Other Conspiracy-Ideological Sovereignists in Contemporary Germany“. Perspectives on Terrorism.

Ebner, Julia, Christopher Kavanagh & Harvey Whitehouse (December 2022). “The QAnon Security Threat: A Linguistic Fusion-Based Violence Risk Assessment“. Perspectives on Terrorism.

Habib, Hussam, Padmini Srinivasan & Rishab Nithyanand (11 November 2022). “Making a Radical Misogynist: How Online Social Engagement with the Manosphere Influences Traits of Radicalization”. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction.

News Articles

Harley, Nicky (25 January 2023). “Task force tackling online terror content could unite tech firms and police, report says”. The National.

United Nations (25 January 2023). “Human rights must be defended in the fight against terrorism: UN chief”. UN News.

Moore, Amanda (18 January 2023). “Why The Ongoing Nick Fuentes-Ye Alliance Is So Dangerous”. Talking Points Memo.

Vargas, Ramon Antonio (17 January 2023). “Twitter ‘verified’ check marks bought by Taliban appear to have been removed”.The Guardian.

Klee, Miles (15 January 2023). “Far-Right Superstars Are Failing on Rumble. Who’s Winning?”. Rolling Stone.

Klar, Rebecca (14 January 2023). “Tech companies under fire after Brazilian riots repeat Jan. 6 pattern”. The Hill.

Ware, Jacob (10 January 2023). “America the Exporter: Far-Right Violent Extremism in Brazil and Beyond”. Council on Foreign Relations. 
Criddle, Cristina (3 January 2023). “Google develops free terrorism moderation tool for smaller websites”. Financial Times.Dodd, Vikram (2 January 2023). “Ministers studying plans for UK child-specific terrorism orders”. The Guardian.Guerin, Emily (2 January 2023). “She was a popular yoga guru. Then she embraced QAnon conspiracy theories“. NPR.Nechin, Eran (21 December 2022). “What Happens When You Turn the Holocaust Into a Video Game“. Haaretz.

Sarkar, Amlan (1 November 2022). “Terrorism Definitions Exclude Gender, Neglecting Incel Extremism: Study“. The Swaddle.


Cammarata, Sarah (27 January 2023). “Mainstreaming Far-Right Conspiracies: Éric Zemmour’s Discourse as a Case Study

Grandinetti, Justin (25 January 2023). “Political Outrage Machines: Exploring the Algorithms Structuring Conspiracy TikTok”

Caldeira Neto, Odilon (23 January 2023). “The Brazilian Far-Right and the Path to January 8th”

Kupper, Julia and Miro Dittrich (18 January 2023). “The Reichsbürger Coup: How the German COVID-19 Denier Scene and Anti-Lockdown Movement Became a Breeding Ground for Terrorism”

Kenyon, Jonathan (16 December 2023). “The Internet and Radicalisation Pathways: Technological Advances, Mental Health and the Role of Attackers”

Chan, Esli (12 January 2023). “Offline and Online Gender-Based Violence: Extremism Risk Assessment Tools and the Rise of the Incel Rebellion”

Cook, Joana and Josh Roose (10 January 2023). “Supreme Men, Subjected Women: Gender Inequality and Violence in Jihadist, Far-Right, and Male Supremacist Ideologies”

Krill, Ilana and Valeria de la Fuente (6 January 2023). “Shifts in Domestic Extremist Movement Rhetoric, Two Years After the Capitol Siege”

Kurtz-Glovas, Pete (3 January 2023). “Far-Right Factions And Threats After the United States Midterm Elections”

Johnson, Bethan (21 December 2022). “‘Tis the Season to Sell Extremism: Far-Right Christmas Ads and the Parallel Economy”

Taneja, Kabir (20 December 2022). “How the Taliban is Building New Grey Areas for Global Tech to Address”

Gill, Gerard (19 December 2022). “Tracing the Evolution of Far-Right Movement Framing in Australia”

Siegel, Daniel (16 December 2022). “Generation Doomer: How Nihilism on Social Media is Creating a New Generation of Extremists”

Mustaffa, Munira (14 December 2022). “Rage Clicks, Hatebomb and the New World Order: How Hard-Right Politics and Conspiracy Theories Overlapped to Undermine Malaysia’s Elections”

Basra, Rajan (13 December 2022). “The Online Footprint of the Dover Migrant Centre Terrorist”