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GNET Research Digest – July 2021

GNET Research Digest – July 2021
2nd August 2021 GNET Team
In Research Digest

Welcome to the July edition of the Global Network on Extremism and Technology (GNET) research digest.

Your digest contains a selection of relevant news, research, academic journal articles, and GNET Insights relating to terrorist use of technology.

Academic Papers

Rapoport, David (27 July 2021). “The Capitol Attack and the 5th Terrorism Wave.” Terrorism and Political Violence.

Ramsay, Gilbert (12 July 2021). “Online Jihadi Storytelling: The Case of Najm al-Din Azad.” Studies in Conflict & Terrorism.

Byman, Daniel (27 July 2021). “Counterterrorism and Modern White Supremacy.” Studies in Conflict & Terrorism.

Yang, Tian and Fang, Kecheng (20 July 2021). “How Dark Corners Collude: A Study on an Online Chinese Alt-Right Community.” Information, Communication & Society.

De Graaf, Beatrice (27 July 2021). “How Contagious Were the Capitol Riots in Europe- In Praxis and in Perception?” Terrorism and Political Violence.

News Articles

Owen, Tess (8 July 2021). “Meet 4chan’s ‘Kommandos,’ the Armed Meme Lords Driving Gun Culture.” Vice.

Feng, Zhaoyin (8 July 2021). “Going Undercover to Infiltrate Chinese-American Far-Right Networks.” BBC.

Miller-Idriss, Cynthia (10 July 2021). “QAnon Moves from Pro-Trump Rallies to Local Schools.” MSNBC.

Press-Reynolds, Kieran (13 July 2021). “Amazon is Selling Products Emblazoned With a Far-Right, White Nationalist Meme.” Business Insider.

Culliford, Elizabeth (26 July 2021). “Facebook and Tech Giants to Target Attacker Manifestos, Far-Right Militias in Database.” Reuters.

Dickson, EJ (15 July 2021). “A Video Spreading Conspiracy Theories About a Satanic Sex-Trafficking Ring is Going Viral.” Rolling Stone.

White, Mark (14 July 2021). “Children a Young as 13 are Being Recruited by Far-Right Extremists, Says MI5 Director-General.” Sky News.

Blake, Andrew (27 July 2021). “PayPal, ADL Partnering to Study, Stop Extremist Funding.” Washington Times.

Thompson, Elizabeth (20 July 2021). “Canadian Right-Wing Extremism Increased Online During the Pandemic, Report Says.” CBC.

BBC (2 July 2021). “Facebook Tests Extremist Content Warning Messages.”


Westendorf, Teagan (30 July 2021). “Safety vs Security: An Asymmetrical Opportunity for RWE in Australia.”

Johnson, Bethan and Feldman, Matthew (29 July 2021). “The Race War May No Longer be Digitised: James Mason’s Designation as a Terrorist Entity in Canada.”

Wildon, Jordan and Argentino, Marc-André (28 July 2021). “QAnon is not Dead: New Research into Telegram Shows the Movement is Alive and Well.”

Fielitz, Maik and Marcks, Holger (26 July 2021). “When Counter-Speech Backfires: The Pitfalls of Strategic Online Interaction.”

McCloud, Victoria (21 July 2021). “Schrems II and the Future of 3rd Party Security Service Access to Data From the UK.”

Davis, Jessica (19 July 2021). “Technology and Terrorist Financing.”

Mustaffa, Munira (14 July 2021). “Right-Wing Extremism Has Deep Roots in Southeast Asia.”

Schlegel, Linda (12 July 2021). “Competing, Connecting, Having Fun: How Gamification Could Make Extremist Content More Appealing.”

Franco, Joseph (8 July 2021). “Current and Emerging Threats by Violent Extremists: Results of the Online CENS Expert Survey.”

Torres-Soriano, Manuel (2 July 2021). “‘Hard Platforms’ vs ‘Friendly Platforms’: Understanding Jihadist Activism on the Internet.”

Descamps, Brune (30 June 2021). “The Jihadist of Rambouillet’s Facebok Account.”

Tielemans, Aaron (28 June 2021). “A Survey of Violent Extremist and Terrorist Activities Across the Gaming Environment.”